Sunday, March 09, 2008

An ode to IIMB, perhaps

I came in all excited
And then immediately wanted to leave
'Cos I was missing home and my room
Mom and my friends
And thousand other things
But slowly I forgot that I was missing anything
There were other people, lots to do
Stuff to think about
So much to explore
There came a time
When I stopped going home
'Cos this was home after all
And my room my own
With a community for an identity
Now a time has come
To leave a place again
The place that made me what I am today
Brought out the real me from the trenches of my soul
Full of energy and enthusiasm
Knowledge about the little world I am part of
Craziness and Arbitness
Fighter spirit too at times
Made me behave my normal abnormal way
While still enjoying it all every minute
I know I will terribly terribly miss you
My dear own IIMB
But what is love if not missing too!


Balaji Vasan said...

totally senti!! i can understand...

RK said...

Weep! Weep!!

Ramya said...

toin...... toin...... toin toin toin toin..... toinnnnnn.. (doordharshan music illa.. feelings rerecording) :P

J a G z said...

good piece of wrk..
pseudly sentiful:)

Shrutz said...
