Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Where art thou?

Normalcy, normalcy, where art thou?
Right by you, in the aisle seat on your row.

Normalcy, normalcy, is that common?
There is no definition for me, often.

Normalcy, normalcy, but I want peace
One man’s peace is another’s grief.

Normalcy, normalcy, I seek thou in vain.
Seek me forever and nothing you shalt gain

Normalcy, normalcy, but I need you by my side
I am by you, always by you child.
Seek me not, in pursuit of an end,
Seek me not, wanting to amend,
Actions set, to a wheel of motion,
For those are done, those are frozen.
You will sense me, when you lie down,
Take a deep breath and lose that frown,
With a book in hand, love on your mind
You will forget to cry, and smile unconfined.

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