Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Verdict is Out


H0: Men do not realize when they are being stared at intensely, even if for more than 2 minutes

H1: Women realize the same in less than 10 seconds

Testing Methodology:

Identify a sample set and stare (what else)

In order to give leeway to starees:

Ensure that more than one tester stares at the man or the woman so as to increase the intensity of the stare and help them notice

Procedure and Findings:

  • Pick up a sample (in our case – 4 men and 1 woman) which is happily standing and chattering away to glory.
  • Identify the first bhakra (Manage), who is standing slightly sideways such that the corner of his left eye can actually notice anyone staring at him. Stare intensely at him from a distance of 10 feet for more than 2 minutes.
  • Next, identify the second bhakra and repeat exercise. This time choose the guy who is standing such that the corner of his right eye can notice anyone staring at him (Katrix), and stare, for more than 2 minutes, of course.
Neither of them notices the stare

  • Now, stare at the only girl in the group (Tuls) who is standing right opposite the testers, at a distance of 12 feet. Keep in mind the fact that the girl is not having direct eye contact with the testers but is actually doing some hyper animated conversation with the rest of the sample. In 10 seconds, the girl turns behind her to check whether there is anything else worthwhile to stare at, and then gives us a questioning glance.

She has been standing bang opposite the testers. So, to make it fairer

  • Observe the guy who is standing opposite the testers (Samba). Stare right in to his sun glass worn eyes for 1 minute, then 1 more minute, then even more for a minute (that's totally 3 friggin' minutes!)

He looks right in to the testers' sun glass 'unworn' eyes but does not see the stares!


  1. Men cannot multi task; that is, if they are talking, they can do just that and do not have the capacity to notice if anyone stares at them
  2. Men are not as used to being stared at as women are


If this was not just two nut-cases testing their hypotheses, this sample of men would have lost out on some major opportunities. Implications enough?


Rohini – For conceiving these brilliant hypotheses

Tuls – For assisting in execution (by not bursting in to hopeless giggles when she was told about why she had been stared at)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Me, an Idiot

After almost 15 years, a movie bowled me over so much that I looked forward to watching it second time in the theater; and enjoyed it as much too.

Much has been said about it, it has been reviewed and re-reviewed by thousands of people, and has been running to full houses even in a Hindi – deprived Chennai.

Not withstanding the recycled yet stale jokes, the accusation that it is a complete copy of the Bhagat story (which claim I do not agree with, but that is not the subject matter of this post) and the absurd vacuum cleaner induced delivery, 3 Idiots is a lovable movie. More so special, because it has been filmed on home ground and brings back wonderful memories of our campus.

Great message and all that, education for the sake of education and that success will follow excellence. However, I have my reservations with how the movie defines ‘Success’ at the end of the day.

We could have done without Phunsukh Wangdu, Mr. Hirani. We could have definitely done with Chatur just walking away with the agreement signed by Rancho stating his failure and the precious pen. We could have most definitely done without Chatur having to bring down his trousers and say “Jahapanah.. Tussi great ho!” If a school full of children learning science that induces passion is not enough to define success and Rancho needs to be the scientist with those 400 patents, I really have my reservations with your take on success. ‘Butt’ah has put this thought in great perspective here.

A regional magazine in Chennai writes, “Amidst Tam movies with heroes spouting punch dialogues and portraying themselves to be larger than life comes 3 Idiots, where the story and performances bring in the victory.” Oh, no, but you are wrong my magazine friend. Aamir has just done it in style, sans the punch dialogues – psueder yet larger than life.

But, like one of my colleagues says, it is a commercial movie. The audience might be ok with the Rancho who runs a school somewhere near Leh, but they will be jumping with happiness even after they walk out of the theaters if Rancho is actually the Wangdu that companies the world over are pursuing to sign business deals with.

Maybe, even I could repeat the watch because of the feel good factor. After all, commercial movies are expected to do just that, make one feel good and idiotically happy.

Monday, January 04, 2010

My Dearest


I have not said this in as many words to you before, though I have given you inklings on and off as to how I feel about you. Perhaps, you have not been able to perceive those hints, perhaps you decided to ignore them. However, I have decided to write here, in white and bold, how I feel about you, for not saying this is not the most honest way of continuing our relationship.

It started off in 2006, quite innocently, as any relationship would, very benign, very understated. Actually it was not even a relationship. I got acquainted with you and then forgot all about it, for you were just that, an acquaintance to me, back then.

I do not know when I became so serious about you, or why for that matter. Guess it was some time in early 2008. I was lonely, deprived of campus life, sitting at home, not knowing what to do. And, suddenly, reminded of you, I started talking to you. Thank god for that. Or, maybe not.

I started sharing with you, almost everything about my life – my fears, my happiness, my favorite things, my friends… In the process, I realized that I have grown to be fond of you to the extent of being possessive of you, I have got so attached to you that I spend hours, and sometimes whole nights thinking about you, I have become addicted to you to the extent of talking about you and just you in all conversations with my other friends.

I tried considering the possibility that it might just be a temporary obsession. Then again, temporary obsessions don’t grow in fervor exponentially with every minute. So, I decided to come out and blurt the truth, in whole and to the whole world.

I love you, my dear blog, like I have loved no other diary ever before in life. And, I hope the madness and passion continues and grows for ever so many more years.